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Worldview Expo

A2F explores how our worldview shapes how we see humanity

First, what is a worldview?  A worldview is “a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint” according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary.  Usually when we think of worldview, we might think of things like political opinions or views on societal issues, the lens through which we view external circumstances or events. What about how we view ourselves though?  Questions like what are humans?  What is our purpose in life?  Why are humans, including ourselves, capable of great acts of kindness but also unspeakable evil?  At one point in time, we all ask these questions, but are there any answers out there?  The answer to these questions depends on how you see the world, not just external events but yourself as well.  Are you merely an animal in an endless struggle for survival or something more?

At A2F, we had a Worldview Expo where we had an interactive walkthrough exhibit that UCI students could go through to present how Christians see the world, and how we see our identity as humans.  We tackled tough topics such as “Do all religions lead to God” or “Why is there pain and suffering” and told the Biblical story of how God created the world, but through human rebellion and sin the world is broken and the gospel is an invitation for us to come home to our heavenly Father.  It was a great opportunity for us as a college fellowship to share what we believe with other UCI students.  As a Christian fellowship, we welcome both Christian students and skeptics alike to come dialogue with us about what we believe.

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