Fun run and fellowship
Anyone up for a Fun Run? Those two words might not sound like they belong together, but at A2F they do! Last summer, we kept ourselves active and had some fun by training together and then running a 10K. (Okay, some of us did more training than others :) ) Taking 1 Timothy 4:8 that “physical training is of some value”, we used our 10K as a way to not turn into couch potatoes over the summer but instead exercise our bodies and also build our relationships. After the 10K, we had plenty of yummy snacks to relax in the shade.
Training for a 10K also taught me that running with friends is much easier than running alone. Whether you are running a spiritual race, just on life’s journey or literally running, it is much easier when you have a friend beside you. I often run with my friend Jess, and on the day of the 10K I ran most of it with her as well. She is a bit faster than me, but when I run with her I am motivated to move faster, as if I don’t I will slow her down! Friends offer encouragement and support, and positive pressure to not give up. In both our spiritual lives as well as physical exercise, we need people to run with, keep us accountable and encourage us when we want to give up or fall behind.
You may not be into running, but if you are looking for some friends to run the spiritual race with, come join us! As a college fellowship at UCI, we welcome all UCI students to come run the spiritual race with us. Whether you are just starting out in your spiritual journey and are at the start line or have been running for a while, we welcome you. And yes, we will do some actual running in the future too. :)